November 4, 2020

10 Tips for Making Your Email Automation Stand Out


What is email automation?

An email automation sequence is a series of emails that are automatically sent to your prospects as they enter new stages of the marketing funnel.

Each email is designed to drive the relationship with your lead forward until they eventually become a customer. So how do you use email marketing automation technology to convert leads into customers?

Here are some tips on how to make your emails amazing:

1. Use engaging subject lines

What’s the first thing your prospects read? Subject lines!

If you want to get your prospects’ attention, you’re going to have to make the first line they see hard to ignore. Almost half of all emails are opened on the basis of subject lines alone. Consider making your subject lines humorous or urgent. Call out to your lead directly! The possibilities are endless.

2. Avoid spammy tactics

It’s best not to use too many exclamation points or all caps in your subject lines or within the body text of your emails. While you want to create a sense of urgency, using all caps online can come off as pushy and gimmicky. Or worse yet: it will lead to unsubscribes or even get you flagged by your newsletter service.

3. Write personable content

Whether you work B2B or B2C or both,  in reality: it’s all people to people. If you want to increase conversion rates in your email campaigns, make the content of these emails as human as possible. 

After all, no one likes feeling commodified. Opting for a more conversational tone over formal and dry language makes it easier to build a relationship with your lead.

4. Make the content easy to read

Content inside of a mailbox should still be easily digestible! It’s not an opportunity to dump information haphazardly. You can make your emails scannable by ensuring the content is organized, relatively short-form, and has distinct themes or topics.

5. Know who you’re talking to

Make sure to personalize the content you’re including in your automation campaigns for your specific buyer persona. Incorporate language that’s appropriate for their age group and reference peoples, places, and things that are a part of their world. Speak to them directly and address their pain points!

6. Target the emails

The age of general marketing is over! Use marketing tech to ensure your leads are receiving targeted messaging aligned with where they’re at in the customer journey. Your leads are at different stages of the customer journey, so send them marketing materials accordingly.

7. Keep the email focused on the goal

What does your email intend to do? Get more traffic on your website? Sign up for a webinar? Establish rapport? 

When you have a clear goal, make sure your email is focused and not sending your audience in varying directions. This makes it easier for you to achieve the goal, and easier for your lead to take action. 

8. Always have a call to action

Unfortunately, an email being armed with persuasive and quality content isn’t always enough. Make sure your emails have a clear call to action, like “download this article” or “visit our website” or “learn more.” It’s good practice to include only one call-to-action per email.

9. Split test your emails

When writing an email automation campaign with a clear goal in mind, consider using more than one variation of an email to uncover what kinds of language and content your users find more engaging. 

This is the essence of marketing: constantly improving your content to give your leads what they want and need!

10. Draw inspiration from other great email campaigns

First time at the rodeo? Don’t fret. We were all beginners once.

But in today’s age of information, there’s an abundance of examples for you to use when you’re just starting out in your marketing approach. Search online for other excellent marketing campaigns and draw inspiration from brands and agencies whose tactics you know work. It’ll help you hone your marketing efforts and there’s no shame in that!

To learn more about how Ajax Union can help you generate leads and referrals for your business using marketing funnels, click here

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