November 14, 2022

How Ajax Union helps brands make the world a better place with ESG Consulting

How Ajax Union helps brands make the world a better place with ESG Consulting featured

Today, consumers all over the world are taking more of an interest in living a greener lifestyle.

This means they value things that are environmentally conscious, including the brands and businesses they buy from.

This change in consumer behavior has caused many brands to shift their focus to becoming more environmentally friendly.

Whether that means reducing their carbon footprint by introducing new sustainable products or updating the way they produce their products, companies around the world are changing and making it known to their audiences.

The world is changing, is your company changing with it?

Learn how Ajax Union can help your company with our ESG Consulting services below!

As an ESG consulting and marketing agency, Ajax Union can help your business—and brand— incorporate marketing practices that align with your ESG initiatives.

how ajax union helps brands make the world a better place with esg strategies
how ajax union helps brands make the world a better place with esg strategies mobile

Here are our ESG Consulting services:

1. Workshop

Before getting started, we hold a workshop to get to know your brand, and the people behind your brand, better.

Who are you? What do you offer? How are you different from your competitors? What are your values?

Digging deep and truly understanding the “why” behind your business provides us with the tools and knowledge to successfully convey that message to your audience.

2. Research

After we get to know you, we survey the market!

How are your competitors or similar companies in your space approaching ESG? What’s the industry standard? What trends are consumers and decision-makers attuned to?

We research and collect important insights that inform your ESG marketing strategy. Surveying the market allows us to see exactly what is working and what isn’t in your industry to make more informed decisions for moving forwards with our next steps.

3. Branding

Now that we got the technical stuff out of the way, it’s time to get creative!

Your brand creates the first impression your target audience has of you, so it’s super important you get this right! This early on, we’ll pitch you palettes, logos, and fonts that we believe reflect your brand through the lens of ESG.

During this stage, we also create brand messaging that appeals to your audience. Our goal is to create ESG-focused statements that provoke emotion in your audience to convey your mission for a cleaner future.

4. Marketing

With the right insights and assets at our helm, we get to work!

We incorporate the ESG-focused messaging we created in the last step, in your marketing initiatives to propel your business forward using leading-edge business and marketing technology.
Incorporating your new mission to help the world for the better is one of the most important steps. Spreading the word shows your audience you are taking the necessary steps to create change!

See how we helped our client, Amogy, design an educational website that drives home its mission to create a cleaner, more sustainable future here.

5. Consulting

ESG is a movement, not a moment!

Ajax Union can provide your company with ongoing ESG consulting and marketing insights at every turn so that no matter what goes on internally or in the market, your business practices always reflect the principles of ESG.

Change doesn’t stop here, so you shouldn’t either!

Besides making the world a better place, companies that take the next step to reduce their carbon footprint experience a cut in costs, an increase in efficiency, and a healthier workplace.

With our ESG consulting services we provide you with all of the tools necessary to take a step in the right direction for creating a positive change on our planet.

Does your company need ESG consulting services?

Contact us today by filling out the form here:

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